7 Business Books You Can’t Live Without

The right business books can serve as beacons in your MSP journey, so I wanted to share some of my favorites with you.


The Coaching Habit, by Michael Bungay Stanier

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Michael Bungay Stanier is a wonderful friend with even better energy. Through this book, coaching becomes a regular, informal part of your day so managers and their teams can work less hard and have more impact. Drawing on years of experience training more than 10,000 busy managers from around the globe in practical, everyday coaching skills, Bungay Stanier reveals how to unlock your people’s potential.

He unpacks seven essential coaching questions to demonstrate how—by saying less and asking more—you can develop coaching methods that produce great results. The best part, it’s funny, smart, practical, memorable, and grounded in current behavioral science, so it sticks.

Million Dollar Coach, by Taki Moore

Taki Moore has been a huge influence on me. One of many areas skilled communication comes into the equation is coaching. You cannot be an effective coach if you cannot regulate a conversation. This book will teach you that it’s not your mindset that needs to change, it’s your business model. Check it out and implement Moore’s systems to take your business from surviving to thriving. Moore’s been coaching business owners since 2004 and is one of the experts when it comes to converting sales. Read up to get your blueprint for your own success.

Employee Retention and Recruiting

Never Lose An Employee Again, by Joey Coleman

I love getting opportunities to chat with Joey Coleman. He’s one of the biggest risk takers I’ve ever met—and those risks have panned out! Joey is one of the world’s leading experts on employee experience, and this book reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to recruit top talent, bring them onboard successfully, and keep them engaged while they produce remarkable results for years to come.

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In Never Lose an Employee Again, Coleman offers a step-by-step playbook for creating a retention plan with long-term success. With more than 50 proven case studies from organizations on seven continents, Coleman details how you can forge a relationship with your people during each of the eight phases of the employee journey. For each phase, Coleman walks you through the six forms of communication integral to success (in-person, email, phone, mail, video, and even gifts) so you can better connect with your team.


Stand Out, by Dorie Clark

Dorie Clark and I have worked together in the past on webinars, masterminds, and the like, and I always learn something from her professor brain! In Stand Out, the message is that to make a name for yourself, you must capitalize on your unique perspective and knowledge and inspire others to listen and take action. But becoming a “thought leader” is a mysterious and opaque process. Where do the ideas come from, and how do they get noticed? Clark explains how to identify the ideas that set you apart and promote them successfully. The key is to recognize your own value, cultivate your expertise, and put yourself out there.


Building a StoryBrand, by Don Miller

There’s no doubt you’ve heard of Don Miller by now, and rightfully so. His insight about business (and life—check out Hero on a Mission) is priceless. With StoryBrand you get the formula to clarify your message so prospects know exactly how your business can serve them. If you want to connect with your customers in a powerful way, StoryBrand is a can’t-miss business book.

Courtesy Amazon

The 1-Page Marketing Plan, by Allan Dib

Written by one of my favorite Aussies, this book will get your prospects noticing your message in a millisecond. Dib’s rebellious nature and simple steps are addictive. I’ve learned so much from him about marketing and the human habits that make us respond to what we see. If you want the roadmap he provided me, grab your copy now.

Invisible Selling Machine, by Ryan Deiss

Someone I have followed for years to keep my finger on the latest in sales techniques is Ryan Deiss. In this book, he provides a practical roadmap so you can learn how to automate and perpetuate your sales process. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. Learn how to create email marketing that will generate leads and grow your business. Read Invisible Selling Machine to understand how to use your email marketing correctly.

Time Well Spent

I know sometimes it seems like reading business books is a bit of a time commitment, but I promise it will be time well spent when any of these are in your hands. Get on board and find out what the pros are doing.

Wishing you health and wealth always.



Mike Michalowicz

Mike Michalowicz is the entrepreneur behind three multimillion-dollar companies and is the author of several business books, including Profit First, Clockwork, Get Different, Fix This Next, The Pumpkin Plan, Surge, The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, and his newest book, All In. Mike is a former small business columnist for The Wall Street Journal and business makeover expert for MSNBC. He regularly travels the globe as an entrepreneurial advocate and keynote speaker.


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