Syscom Business Technologies Drives Growth With M&A And A Client-First Focus

When Scott Huxley joined Syscom Business Technologies as a salesperson in 2016, they were a staff of six. Just five years later, he was managing principal. Excelling in mergers and acquisitions, Scott grew the business within four years, and today Syscom boasts 22 employees.

Syscom’s mission is helping small to midsize companies in Michigan and Pennsylvania move their business forward with technology.

A Love Of ‘Getting Under The Hood’

Scott was introduced to technology when he was 11 years old. His parents bought him his first computer, a Commodore VIC-20, for his birthday. “My parents were ahead of their time,” says Scott, who hails from the U.K. “They knew computers were necessary and the way of the future.”

Instead of using the computer, the “nerd” in him wanted to see what was “under the hood” of this new machine. “I got a few tutorials and began to program at the age of 11 or 12,” he recalls. “I was fascinated that I could make a computer do something. The coding aspect was interesting to me.”

By age 15, Scott Huxley was so captivated with programming that he began taking college computer classes while still in high school. “I would come home from school at 3:30, have a snack, take a bus into town, and get there by 5:30,” he recalls. “I was taking two classes a night until I was 17.”

Taking Something Complicated And Making It Simple

Once he completed his adult education, he realized that sitting behind a computer all day was not his destiny. “My vision was to help others understand technology,” he explains. “I just didn’t know what that would be at the time.”

Scott’s first job was working for an electrical goods retailer in a small village in Nottingham, selling TVs, washing machines, dishwashers, radios, and the like. He realized that the job allowed him to explain to the customer the inner workings of each device. The opportunity to help others comprehend technology set the tone for his career in the industry: how to take something complicated and make it simple for customers to understand.

In 2002, at the age of 30, Scott moved to the U.S. with hopes of furthering his career. That career took off with Syscom Business Technologies.

Pushing The Needle For Results

Syscom aims to help clients understand why they need the latest technology. Scott wants them to know how this will move their business forward instead of having them deal with problems that cost time and money.

Syscom’s clients typically have 10 to 50 workers (up to 100) and represent a broad cross section of industries; some have specialized applications to run their businesses, and they rely heavily on operational software.

Scott says the daily work his business accomplishes is the reason he gets up in the morning. “Industry standards are not as rock solid as they should be, which is why I’m here today,” he notes. “So many businesses out there will sell you anything, tell you anything, just to drive a sale. I do what I do to push the needle for honesty in the industry, for results.”

With Scott at the helm, the team at Syscom Business Technologies ensures that each client served receives a free alignment visit and monthly check-ins. They have quarterly company meetings to examine their results, holding themselves accountable for promises made.

To Serve, Not To Sell

At the core of Scott’s business ethics is honesty. “Be honest in bad times as well as good times,” he asserts. “Our integrity drives us to do what we do.”

What does Scott value in a client? “Someone that values technology,” he says. “Someone who wants to learn, ‘How can I use technology to make my business better?’”

At the end of the day, Scott loves helping people and is happy to do it, even if they do not become clients. “Our mission is to serve, not to sell,” he says. “I’d like to help anyone and everyone I can, as long as they are intrigued or interested. Even if I don’t sign them up with us, I hope something I say in our conversation will potentially keep them from disaster.”

Scott believes putting clients first sets his company apart from other IT consulting businesses. For professional service with integrity, Scott assures that Syscom Business Technologies will keep businesses up and running.

To learn more about Syscom Business Technologies, visit them here.



MSP Success Magazine

MSP Success Magazine is a print and digital publication dedicated to helping the CEOs and owners of managed IT services businesses build strong, profitable, growth-oriented businesses. Written and published by Robin Robins, founder of Technology Marketing Toolkit, this magazine is uniquely focused on the topics of marketing, client-acquisition, sales, profitability, leadership and personal development.


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