4 Easy Ways To Uncover The Revenue-Generating “GOLD” In Your CRM

There’s gold in them thar hills! Pure gold? You bet!

Robin Robins says, “The single biggest, most valuable asset of any business is your list, and the relationship you have with it (prospects, clients).” With that in mind, you’ve been building your contact list – clients, farm list, leads, JV partners, etc., and (hopefully) adding them to your CRM and marketing automation platform.

Well, soon you’ll be shouting, “Eureka!” as I walk you through some simple ways to uncover the GOLD hiding in that list.

Let’s gather up now and head straight to Boom Town so YOU can experience a sudden rush of new activity, interest and revenue-generating opportunities.

1. Focus Efforts On Your Greatest Gold-Bearing Resource – Your Existing Clients.

You’ve already had a lucky strike with this bunch, so continue mining this resource for additional nuggets of gold.

In your CRM, your account manager should be keeping track of current products and services for ALL your current, active clients. This way you can easily pull a list of potential cross-sell or upsell opportunities.

Add clients who do NOT have a particular product or service with you to an active prospecting campaign. Send a series of cross-sell e-mails and follow up with phone calls to generate new opportunities.

2. Stake Your Claim With “Sweet Spot” Prospects.

Well, golly! You identified a lead as “Qualified” because they met the exact sweet-spot criteria of the clients you want to serve.

To stake your claim and keep competitors away, quickly add these hot leads to ALL the following types of drip marketing in your marketing automation platform:

  • Printed Newsletter
  • Monthly E-mail Newsletter Blog
  • Weekly E-mail Tips
  • TechTip Postcards

Also, get them added to an outbound prospecting campaign.

When you start seeing these leads become actively engaged and responsive to your marketing efforts, you’ll know things are panning out.

3. Try Diggin’ Up Some Gold In Your Lead Pool

Your “Unconverted Leads” have expressed interest at some point but perhaps weren’t ready to take action quite yet. No worries! You’ve been keeping track of these contacts in your CRM.

Generate the following call lists and hand them over to your appointment setters so they can do some digging:

  • Scheduled an appointment at one point but didn’t show.
  • Registered for an event but didn’t attend.
  • Attended a webinar but didn’t claim the offer.
  • Clicked on links in your drip marketing or promotional e-mails without taking further action.
  • Submitted an opt-in webform or landing page without booking an appointment.

More appointments booked on your calendar means more opportunities for you to find that gold, right?

4. Prevent Your CRM From Becoming A Ghost Town.

Some leads who were once interested may begin to “peter out” and desert your marketing efforts.

Your CRM can tell you which contacts have NOT been engaging (opening e-mails, clicking links or submitting webforms) with your e-mail marketing. For those contacts who have NOT engaged in the past 90 days, it’s time to present something NEW to catch their attention!

Get these folks to REENGAGE (and keep the tumbleweed out!) by sending a special automated e-mail series to promote a free report, a diagnostic scan, an educational checklist or an upcoming webinar you are hosting.

Automate or bust! TAKE ACTION today so you can strike gold and experience a bonanza of revenue growth from doing just a little “digging” in that CRM of yours.

STILL don’t have a CRM and marketing automation platform? Jeepers! How the heck are you keeping up? Check out www.MSPmarketingCRM.com for more info on Robin Robin’s recommended CRM.



Janette DeGrazio

Janette DeGrazio is the Director Of Marketing Automation Programs and Chief Architect of Technology Marketing Toolkit’s Marketing Automation Platform. It is her No. 1 priority to make sure all of our MAP members know HOW to use their powerful automation tool to generate leads and sales. By heading up the team who oversees and expedites our new MAP members’ onboarding experience, her goal is to equip members with the tools, guidance, and training needed for the best success in the MAP program. She can be reached at [email protected]


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