Robin’s Top 10 Tips For Salespeople

Any time you have a human being involved in or contributing to a system, sales, or otherwise, you have a WILD variable that is essentially out of your control. Yes, you can (and should) train, monitor, coach and manage. But if someone isn’t self-regulated and self-motivated to follow the system and put into place your coaching and training, nothing will make it work. 

Here are Robin Robins’ Top 10 Tips For Salespeople Who Want To Sell MORE And Easier:

1. You Have To Be SOLD Before You Can SELL.

If you’re not excited and deeply passionate about what you sell, figure out how to get excited — or find another job. Talk to someone who is passionate about a hobby, and they’ll “sell” you on why it’s so exciting.

They don’t need a script or clever closes. They sell because of their sheer passion for what they do. If you are not as convinced about what you do, then make it better so you can be passionate.

2. Always Be The Most Professional Person In The Room.

Dress modestly and professionally. Don’t get angry or defensive. Say “please” and “thank you.” If you say you’re going to do something, then do it. Be prepared, professional, and have a process.

Too many salespeople are casual about their performance. They show up late, unprepared, unscripted, and are not ready to close. No pro would ever show up that way to their “game,” be it a professional athlete or actor.

3. True Sales Pros NEVER Wing It.

They follow a highly strategic, planned-out process. There aren’t 10, 20, or even two “best ways” to do something. Only one. Find it and repeat it.

4. Never Trash The Competition.

If you have to bad-mouth a specific competitor to win a sale instead of selling on your merits, you’re pitiful and unprofessional. We often get that from our competition at TMT. If someone has to sell you on their services by telling you how bad a competitor is, you should walk away. Sell on your merits … and if you don’t have any, get some.

5. Sending Emails And Connecting With People On Social Media Are NOT Productive Prospecting Activities.

You get zero points unless a call is tied to it. Outside salespeople are called “outside” salespeople for a reason. You’re supposed to get outside of the office to go meet with check writers. COVID-19 is over. Get out to networking events, meetings, and conferences. Network. Visit people. Conduct canvassing.

That’s your job if you’re a hunter. NEVER leave a meeting with a prospect without a SCHEDULED next action. Don’t waste your time. If they aren’t interested, have a polite and professional way to find out — then walk away to find a better, more interested prospect who is ready to buy. You must maintain control of the process or you’ll waste your time.

6. Don’t Sell To People Who Only Have The Authority To Say ‘NO.’

It’s difficult enough to deal with a willingness to buy; don’t handicap yourself with their inability to buy, too. How do you know if they have the authority to buy? Who influences their decisions? Who is truly calling the shots? Scripts and practice help, but you must have the willingness to ask tough questions. Are you the fool or the favorite? Ask, “Why do you want to do business with us?”


Don’t whine and complain about the competition, the market, your customers, the leads you’re getting, etc. IF you’re doing enough of the right activities, you will succeed. You have to make up in numbers what you lack in skill.

Following from the above, the weaker and more underdeveloped your skills are, the more you’ll need to do. Repetition of correct fundamentals develops skill. If you’re not willing to put in the work and do the activities required to succeed, you shouldn’t be in sales.

8. Follow Up Fast On EVERY Lead.

The faster you respond, the better your chances are of getting the deal. Make sure you don’t give up on leads too quickly, and call at least 5–7 times in addition to emailing, mailing, and social messaging before you put them into drip marketing.

If you want to be successful in sales, you should work MORE than 9 to 5. You control your income — and your raise becomes effective the minute you work more. Also, as the saying goes, “Learners are earners.” What book are you reading? What method are you studying to be at the top of your game? If you see yourself as a professional, you are constantly sharpening your skills.

9. Have Something INTERESTING To Share.

Why should someone take your call? Your meeting? If all you can offer is to pitch a product or talk to someone about their “IT needs,” you don’t deserve a callback or a meeting. Great salespeople are fountains of knowledge and true consultants. They know things others don’t.

When you meet with a true professional who knows their industry, product, and client, they can tell you things that are truly valuable. The bottom line is if you want more prospects to meet with you, do a better job at selling them on what THEY will get from the meeting.

10. Invite The ‘No.’

Your job is not alchemy, turning a cold rock into a gold nugget. Instead, keep prospecting to find the ones who want what you’re selling. Endlessly following up on people who were too polite to tell you “no” to your face is a giant waste of time.

Let your marketing do the drip marketing for you, and put your efforts into finding someone who is ready to buy now. Whining and complaining have never solved a problem, closed a sale, or accomplished anything productive. Grow up. Nobody is impressed by how good your excuses are.

Now, here’s a bonus tip for you:

If you want to really level up your sales strategy, and start closing more deals, increasing profitability, and generating longer-lasting, high-paying clients, then you should HIGHLY consider attending the 2023 IT Sales And Marketing Boot Camp event, happening April 11-14th, 2023.

Here’s an eternal LAW of SUCCESS: To accomplish BIG goals and gains in business (or to achieve any significant accomplishment), you must put yourself in SUCCESS ENVIRONMENTS.

This event is the leading industry conference for business owners, CEOs, and leaders of MSP and IT services companies that have an honest ambition to grow, profit, and scale.

You can spend another year trying to figure it all out on your own, or you can show up for these few days to this exclusive event packed with speakers delivering actionable content catered specifically to this industry and how to become an IT business owner that isn’t only surviving, but THRIVING.



Robin Robins

There’s no doubt about it: Robin Robins has helped more MSPs and IT services companies to grow and prosper, liberating them from stagnation, frustration, drudgery and low incomes. For over 20 years, Robin has been showing MSPs and IT services firms how to implement marketing plans that attract higher-quality clients, lock in recurring revenue streams and secure high-profit contracts. Her methods have been used by over 10,000 IT services firms around the world, from start-ups to multimillion-dollar MSPs. For more information and a FREE copy of The MSP’s Ultimate Guide To IT Services Marketing And Lead Generation, go to


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