The World’s Most Effective 7-Figure Webinar Template

Dear Fellow Entrepreneur,

If you would like to double, triple, or even quadruple the results you get when you do webinars, then this is one of the most valuable articles you’ll ever read.

Here’s why.

Using this template, I’ve created presentations that have generated $292,357, $220,048, $540,000, $278,000, and more in sales in just 75 minutes.

Producer’s Club member Barbara Paluszkiewicz reconstructed her presentation following this format and not only booked more consultations but also was invited to do a prestigious TED Talk.

Producer’s Club member Adam Spencer reported: “From just two seminars, we signed new contracts that added up to a value of $198,720!”

Producer’s Club member Anthony Jurjevic wrote: “I’ve been using Dave Dee’s materials and generated over $100,000 in revenue from just three events.”

Of course, I’m not promising you those kinds of results. And truth be told, the above folks worked with me personally and/or went through my complete training program. I use these real-life examples to show you what’s possible.

If you embrace what I’m about to share, then it can change your business life forever.

What you are about to learn is THAT powerful and THAT revolutionary.

So, without further ado, let me reveal the “7-Figure Webinar” template to you.

The 7-Figure Template


  1. HOT TITLE! Give your presentation a super hot, compelling title.
  2. Who this is right for: Let the audience know they are in the right place.
  3. What you’ll discover: Tell them the three things they’re going to learn.
  4. Future pace: Paint a picture of their ultimate outcome/transformation.
  5. Future pace: Paint a picture of the ugliness if they don’t do what you
    tell them.
  6. Tell the audience your core story.
  7. Tell the audience your motivation for teaching the information you’re about to tell them.
  8. Outline what you’re going to
    teach them.
  9. Present core content piece No. 1.
  10. Present core content piece No. 2.
  11. Present core content piece No. 3.
  12. Transition to close.
  13. Recap what they’ve learned.
  14. Introduce your solution (the product or service you’re selling).
  15. Who this is not for: Tell them who should not buy your product or service.
  16. Present the outcome of using your product or service.
  17. Present the details of your “Godfather” offer (an offer your audience can’t refuse).
  18. Present the price. (If you are offering a free consultation, give it a value, then tell your audience the consultation is free.)
  19. Offer a guarantee. (This can be omitted if you are offering a free consultation; however, many professional services providers do guarantee the consultation.)
  20. Give bonuses for acting now. (Yes, you can offer a bonus or bonuses, even if you are offering a free consultation! An information packet works great for this bonus.)
  21. Recap the offer and outcome of taking advantage of your offer.
  22. Call to action: What does your audience need to do to buy or book a consultation with you?
  23. Recap offer.
  24. Give the final call to action.

Your Next Step

This template is a major starting point, but as I mentioned, there’s a lot more to creating a webinar that will create results you can see in your bank account.

If you’re interested in learning more, then go to and subscribe to my daily DEEmail newsletter, where you will discover how to increase your sales, and profits and help more clients. Plus, as a subscriber, you will be invited to my next online training about creating webinars that sell.

Enjoy the template! Kick butt and make mucho DEEnero!



Allison Foelber

Allison Foelber is the VP of Marketing Automation and self-proclaimed “Keap Nerd” at Technology Marketing Toolkit, where she helps MSPs leverage the marketing automation power of Keap to organize their sales and marketing process so they can move prospects through the sales funnel faster. She can be reached at [email protected].


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