…the desire to be free is a shared, common value and a prize worthy of pursuit and sacrifice.
Many of the highly successful people you see today in business started from VERY humble beginnings, zero budget, no talent, no resources and even NO PLAN for growth. They simply put in their reps FOR YEARS and finally figured it out. The proverbial “overnight” success that only took 20+ years to build.
Most people seek ease, comfort and security. That is NOT the call to adventure of an entrepreneur. Seeking to avoid an HONEST day’s work, or even resenting that you HAVE to work, is highly unproductive and dishonorable. The leaders who not only achieve success but sustain it have put in YEARS of hard work and dedication to their accomplishments. To us, EVERY day is a workday.
It’s very difficult to build a productive and profitable following online, just as it’s difficult to write a great best-selling book, produce truly influential content, keep a profitable audience’s attention or scale a successful business – but it’s effortless to write a smarmy, nasty critical comment. Given most people cannot do any of the former, they default to the latter. So, as you strive up, you just have to accept that haters and critics will attack you – and social media facilitates this.
According to the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, 1 in 7 people have unclaimed property held by state governments and treasuries in the United States. Last year alone, state-sponsored unclaimed property programs returned over $5.4 BILLION to people with rightful claims in one year (July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023).
No one owes you anything. Playing crybaby and demanding something be given to you is the opposite of grit and gratitude. We ALL have obstacles to overcome. No one who achieves anything of significance gets it handed to them on a silver platter with no resistance.
I’m often perplexed by the obvious bad decisions and rookie mistakes people make in marketing. If ONE bad promotion takes you out this fast, you’re already on life support, barely hanging on.
It’s critical to FIGHT the urge to form quick opinions and subsequently act without 100% concrete evidence and FACTS. Almost nobody takes the time to fact-check everything they read and hear. They see a single chart, read a headline, skim an article or hear a 10-second media clip and arrive at an assumption and belief about a person, a situation or an event and what it means, more often than not already hardened in their opinions and unwilling to entertain any argument or data contrary to that idea.
Most people are forming opinions with very limited experience and/or very little knowledge of history, study or FACTS. They’re coming to conclusions based on biased information put out in short little “tweets,” never questioning anything and displaying ZERO curiosity or critical thinking. Worse yet, many people are shaming others for even raising questions. If you questioned the efficacy of masks during Covid or the safety of the vaccine that was rushed to market, you were called a conspiracy theorist (or worse) and told to just shut up, get in line and “trust the science.”
In terms of your business, if you cower and fear taking a stand for yourself, failing to draw a HARD LINE to protect you and your organization, you WILL be taken advantage of. It’s really that simple. There are a lot of people out there with their own agenda who aren’t going to give a rip about you. Many want to take you out, harm you and damage you out of spite and jealousy. Others because they want what you have (competitors). If you choose to overlook attacks on your character or anything that might hinder or harm your ability to achieve maximum growth and profits, or even peace of mind, you WILL be harmed.
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