All It Takes Is ONE

According to an article on NewsNation, the LA Police Department was investigating the fires in LA as an arson case with one suspect in custody.

I’m sick over the losses of so many people who did nothing to deserve such a tragedy. It’s heartbreaking. And if it turns out that all this destruction was caused by the act of one vile person, it’s going to be that much more difficult to process.

Sadly, history is full of tragedies caused by ONE person. Hitler, Pol Pot and Stalin. The Sandy Hook shooter. The Malbone Street railroad wreck of 1918 that killed at least 93 people and was caused by one driver going too fast. The Exxon Valdez oil spill was caused because the captain was drunk.

It’s hard to process that such incredible disasters and losses could be caused by ONE person, but it happens all the time. Anyone who’s run a business for any length of time can attest to the damage ONE bad person on the team can inflict. 

Early on in my business, I permitted one person to almost undo my entire company, poisoning the other employees, stealing from me and intentionally attempting to damage my reputation and my relationships with clients. I just spoke to another member dealing with the same mess where a tech left to start his own MSP, stealing key clients, creating a significant drop in revenue, purposely calling all of his customers to “inform” them of the incompetence of the owner and trying to get the employees still there to leave. This is SO common I’m thinking it’s a rite of passage every MSP and business owner needs to go through.

That’s why you need to be super-diligent about getting rid of anyone on your team who has turned. Sour milk never turns fresh.

Conversely, all it takes is ONE person to make a giant, positive impact in the world. Gandhi. Martin Luther King. Mother Teresa. In science, Alexander Fleming saved millions of lives with the invention of penicillin. Marie Curie. In California, a lot of individuals are stepping up to help their neighbors escape the fires in heroic, unselfish acts. ONE person can be a force for good in the world.

In business, ONE great hire can turn your biggest nightmare into your biggest asset. I have also made a ton of GREAT hires. Jeff and Nicole have been with me for years, working with me to build this company into the leading MSP marketing and peer group. Allison, Danny, Mike, Robb, Will and many others I’m not naming are not only tremendous leaders and team members, but friends. 

I’ve heard Keith Cunningham pose this question: “How many of your current business problems would go away if everyone on your team was a total ‘A’ player?” In short, ALL of them. ALL of your problems would be eliminated, all of your anxieties about customer service, profitability, growth, etc. Yet how many business owners are constantly looking for that ONE “hell YES!” hire? Not many. How about you? It’s very likely that the next big breakthrough in growth and profits is ONE hire away.

All it takes is ONE breakthrough—one strategy, one great hire or one bold decision to turn your business around. At our IT Sales & Marketing Boot Camp, you’ll be surrounded by top MSP owners and industry leaders sharing actionable insights to help you make that ONE game-changing move for your business in 2025. Whether it’s learning how to hire the right people or implementing proven sales strategies, Boot Camp will give you the clarity and tools you need to grow. Register now!

There’s no doubt about it: Robin Robins has helped more MSPs and IT services companies to grow and prosper, liberating them from stagnation, frustration, drudgery and low incomes. For over 20 years, Robin has been showing MSPs and IT services firms how to implement marketing plans that attract higher-quality clients, lock in recurring revenue streams and secure high-profit contracts. Her methods have been used by over 10,000 IT services firms around the world, from start-ups to multimillion-dollar MSPs. For more information and a FREE copy of The MSP’s Ultimate Guide To IT Services Marketing And Lead Generation, go to


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