Ed Mylett’s 4 Strategies To Max Out Your Day Without Feeling Overwhelmed

Ed Mylett

Ed Mylett has become one of the country’s wealthiest and most successful people. He’s the author of best-selling books #Maxout Your Life and The Power of One More, an in-demand motivational speakers, and a TV and top podcast host. He’s considered the “success and fulfillment whisperer” for elite achievers in helping them to perform at “#MAXOUT” levels of their lives.

In a conversation with TMT founder and CEO Robin Robins during an exclusive event for TMT’s top-tier clients, Mylett shared his unique strategies for managing his day. Here are four steps MSPs can take to reduce overwhelm while boosting productivity, wealth, and happiness:

The Four Steps

1. Establish “Mini Days”

Mylett manipulates the traditional 24-hour day by scheduling three six-hour “mini days” (6 a.m.–noon, noon–6 p.m., and 6 p.m.–midnight) into one day. Assessing and recalibrating after each mini day, he gains more time, flexibility, and control. “Now you’re getting 21 days in one week,” he explains. “If you stack that up against someone running 24-hour days, I’m going to beat you, and I’m not overwhelmed.”

2. Schedule Rest And Peak Performance

Mylett builds in rest throughout the day and pays attention to his peak performance windows. He aims to schedule important meetings and tasks during his peak mental and physical state, which for him is 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

3. Increase Your Internal Thermostat

Mylett discovered brain techniques to help him overcome self-imposed limitations and grow personally. People often subconsciously limit their success and happiness based on what they believe they deserve.

“Your internal identity—the beliefs you hold about who you are—governs your life, like a thermostat set at 72°F,” he explains. “Even if you could exceed that setting, most people never will. I’ve always worked on increasing my internal thermostat, which has been the biggest driver of growing my wealth.”

4. Establish An End-Of-Day Routine

Mylett has a regimented morning routine. However, adding a specific routine in the last 30–45 minutes of the evening has been life-changing for him, setting him up for the next day and providing a sense of control. “These routines in the morning and evening reduce my anxiety by creating a safe space for my mind, being, and soul,” he says.

Now, Start Performing At A Higher Level!

By controlling your day, you, too, can perform at a higher level. Apply these strategies of time compression, rest, and routines collectively to maximize productivity while minimizing overwhelm. 

To read Ed Mylett’s inspiring story and find out about “the power of one more,” check out Ed Mylett: One Decision Away From Changing Your Life



Cindy Cyr

Cindy Panetti Cyr is an accomplished author and marketing expert with a deep passion for direct-response marketing, technology, and travel. As a frequent contributor to MSP Success and IT Channel Insider, she draws on her over two decades of marketing experience and uncovering industry trends, providing engaging and informative articles that captivate readers in the ever-evolving world of IT and managed services. Cindy is the co-author of No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent (3rd Edition). She has written for clients that include Zig Ziglar, Magnetic Marketing (formerly GKIC), and ForbesBooks and has been published on various online and offline platforms helping thousands of business owners stay ahead of the curve. Cindy has traveled to 44 U.S. states and 28 countries (so far!) and has lived the digital nomad life for over 15 years.


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